Progressive News

Legacy Projects and Programmes of the
Progressive Governors

We welcome you to this Progressive Governors Legacy Projects and Programmes page! Here, we take great pride in showcasing the remarkable developmental strides and achievements of each Progressive Governor in a secure database archived by the Progressive Governors Forum for accessibility globally, anytime.

This is what we referred to as the Progressive Governors Legacy Documentation and Preservation Programme (LD&P). These are initiatives undertaken by our Progressive Governors across the APC controlled States in Nigeria during their tenure as Governors.

As a group of forward-thinking and action-oriented leaders  the Progressive Governors have embarked on a journey to revolutionize governance across the APC controlled States. We firmly believe that lasting legacies are shaped not by hollow promises, but by tangible results and transformative policies. With this vision at their forefront, the APC Governors have worked tirelessly on implementing projects, policies and programmes that address the most pressing needs of their respective States in Nigeria.

Some of these legacy projects, policies and programmes have been uniquely collated and digitized for each APC Governor in a database that can be referenced or used for research purposes across the globe. The uniqueness of this is that it helps keep authentic narratives of the developmental strides achieved by the Progressive Governors in a database outside the boundaries of their State Governments and protects their legacies from future political oppositions that may want to corrupt historical narratives and propagate falsehood about them.

All legacy projects of the Progressive Governors during their tenure as Governor of APC controlled State are captured. These are significant projects that stand the test of time and by implication testify to the good works of the Progressive Governors within and outside their political tenure. All captured records are documented and stored in PGF Secretariat’s cloud and the online links for accessing them is released on request.

The LD&P database is updated annually for all serving or new Progressive Governors and the PGF Secretariat has responsibilities of holding and managing the database so it can serve as an alternative to information and records kept by the State Governments. By that, the Progressive Governors, are documented as Progressives, forever.

As you have visited this website, you will have the opportunity to explore deeper into the remarkable projects and programmes initiated and embarked upon by our Progressive Governors to leave a legacy of progress, prosperity, and well-being of the people.

Join us on this extraordinary journey of transformation and witness firsthand how the Progressive Governors are shaping the future of our great nation. Together, we can build a Nigeria that is more inclusive, prosperous, and resilient for generations to come.


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Legacy Documentation & Preservation

Track Past Progressives Governments and Projects

Progressive Governors, are documented as
Progressives, forever.

Legacy Projects

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Progressive Governors Emeritus

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Past Executives

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For More Inquries

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